Another thing I see a lot is where someone wants to loop through a directory (and/or subfolders). There are a number of ways to do this, such as VB's Dir() method, FileSystemObject, FindFirstFile/FindNextFile APIs, even Application.FileSearch (up through excel 2003, I believe). I have done a few speed tests for various threads, and usually find Dir() to be the quickest (usually true for local disks; network shares seem to vary). Dir is also the one I go with the most, as it doesn't require and early/late binding for FSO, and needs no API declare statements.
Note that if you're working in VBScript, you will have to use FileSystemObject, as Dir() doesn't exist in VBS and APIs are more trouble than they're worth if you want to use them (you'd have to create a container class in vb to use them in vbs).
Here is an example of looping through all the files within a specific directory; my calling subroutine just sends a message box with the number of files contained, but it can obviously do much more. I'm also including a simple routine called DesktopAddress, should anyone ever want to know the desktop's location via code (I use this is many of my distributed projects at work, actually). Run the LoopThroughAllFilesInDirectory to return a filecount of files on your desktop, and change as needed!
Sub LoopThroughAllFilesInDirectory()
Dim vFiles() As String, i As Long
ReDim vFiles(1, 0)
GetFilesWithDir DesktopAddress, vFiles 'all files desktop + below
MsgBox "You have " & CStr(UBound(vFiles, 2) + 1) & " files on your desktop"
End Sub
Function DesktopAddress() As String
Dim vShell As Object, vDesktop As String
Set vShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
vDesktop = vShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
If Right(vDesktop, 1) <> "\" Then vDesktop = vDesktop & "\"
DesktopAddress = vDesktop
Set vShell = Nothing
End Function
Function GetFilesWithDir(ByVal vPath As String, ByRef vsArray() _
As String, Optional IncludeSubfolders As Boolean = True) As Boolean
'You must send this a string array, ReDim'med to (1,0)
' (0,x) = path of file
' (1,x) = file name
Dim TempStr As String, vDirs() As String, Cnt As Long, dirCnt As Long
dirCnt = 0
If Len(vsArray(0, 0)) = 0 Then
Cnt = 0
Cnt = UBound(vsArray, 2) + 1
End If
If Right(vPath, 1) <> "\" Then vPath = vPath & "\"
If IncludeSubfolders Then
On Error GoTo BadDir
TempStr = Dir(vPath, 31)
Do Until Len(TempStr) = 0
If Asc(TempStr) <> 46 Then
If GetAttr(vPath & TempStr) And vbDirectory Then
ReDim Preserve vDirs(dirCnt)
vDirs(dirCnt) = TempStr
dirCnt = dirCnt + 1
End If
End If
TempStr = Dir
End If
On Error GoTo BadFile
TempStr = Dir(vPath, 15)
Do Until Len(TempStr) = 0
ReDim Preserve vsArray(1, Cnt)
vsArray(0, Cnt) = vPath
vsArray(1, Cnt) = TempStr
Cnt = Cnt + 1
TempStr = Dir
On Error GoTo 0
If dirCnt > 0 Then
For dirCnt = 0 To UBound(vDirs)
If Len(Dir(vPath & vDirs(dirCnt))) = 0 Then
GetFilesWithDir vPath & vDirs(dirCnt), vsArray
End If
End If
Exit Function
If TempStr = "pagefile.sys" Or TempStr = "???" Then
Debug.Print "DIR: Skipping: " & vPath & TempStr
Resume BadDirGo
ElseIf Err.Number = 52 Then
Debug.Print "No read dir rights: " & vPath & TempStr
Resume SkipDir
End If
Debug.Print "Error with DIR Dir: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 52 Then
Debug.Print "No read file rights: " & vPath & TempStr
Debug.Print "Error with DIR File: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End If
Resume BadFileGo
End Function
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