Monday, May 12, 2008

Google AdSense

Ok, so I decided I'd add Google AdSense here. If anyone thinks I should remove the ads (if people start actually reading this), just let me know. If I get $0.02/year, I'll be happy. Who knows, maybe you'll find something you want to buy.

Rather than have a small post here, I thought I'd share my love of Google as well. It has been my homepage for a while, and now that I've got my iGoogle customized with my Gmail, Google reader, Google weather, and numerous direct news feeds and what not I only need to really check the one page for any of my 'essentials'. Plus there is their Blogger and Picasa tools, Google Docs, Google news, and of course their search.

Add in the Firefox extensions for Google Reader and Gmail, and you're good to go! I should buy some Google stock.

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