Showing posts with label Format. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Format. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2008

VBScript - InStrRev and Format

Wow, big day for posts. Guess I am just waiting on a couple things; waiting to hear from the bigger boss about some more work for my transition (2 weeks left!) and waiting to hear from my love to see how her job interview went (could still be going on). But do you really care about any of that? I do, but I doubt you do. So I'm gonna post something about vbscript, something I love and think that more people should get into as it is quite flexible.

A very simple post to start out. For the most part, vbs can use the same methods and functions as vba/vb6, with slight modifications. The two biggest things missing, in my opinion, are Format() and InStrRev(). You can make a substitute function in VBS for the latter, however the former needs a bit more work and usually specific to your task at hand.

I'll get the easier one out of the way. I only use the two main arguments for this, but you can easily add something for the start position or even comparison type. If you want to use it, simply put this somewhere in your vbs file and call it as normal:

Function InStrRev(ByVal vStringCheck, ByVal vStringMatch)
Dim i, iLen
iLen = Len(vStringMatch)
For i = Len(vStringCheck) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(vStringCheck, i, iLen) = vStringMatch Then Exit For
InStrRev = i
Set i = Nothing
Set iLen = Nothing
End Function

Simple, huh?
Next is using Format in VBS. As I said, you can't just use the function like Format(7, "000") as you can in VBA. What you can do, however, is manipulate strings to get it done easily (and use a function for it if you're going to do it multiple times).

To see a one-shot version of it, here is how you would write the above Format statement in VBS. Note that you would probably never go through this much code to write "007", but it should give you an idea of how it works. In essence, if you want it to be 3 digits, you're concatenating "000" to the value "7", then taking the right 3 digits of it:
 Dim TheValue, NumDigits, PaddedValue
TheValue = 7
NumDigits = 3
PaddedValue = Right(String(NumDigits, "0") & TheValue, NumDigits)
MsgBox PaddedValue

If you plan to do this multiple times, heres an example of how to format the current date in mm/dd/yyyy formation:
 MsgBox FormatPaddedZeroes(Month(Now), 2) & "/" & FormatPaddedZeroes(Day(Now), 2) & _
"/" & FormatPaddedZeroes(Year(Now), 4)

Function FormatPaddedZeroes(ByVal TheValue, ByVal NumDigits)
FormatPaddedZeroes = Right(String(NumDigits, "0") & TheValue, NumDigits)
End Function

I could write a post on all the similarities between VBA and VBS, but other than a few things they are very similar (just remove any types in VBS, and the 'main' subroutine doesn't need a Sub and End Sub).